Site FAQs
Below you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding our site. Please take a moment to review these before calling or emailing!
Q: Do I need to ‘log in’?
A: No, you do NOT need to log in to place an order. Simply do not click on the log in button, proceed with your order.
Q: How do I pay?
A: After you place your order, we will call (or email if you are international) you to confirm your order, answer any questions you may have, and take your credit/debit card info over the phone. This is for your protection.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We currently accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover in addition to PayPal. If you are a US customer and need to use PayPal please let us know via email or in the comments section when you place your order.
Q: Why do I need to disclose my vehicle AND engine/transmission information?
A: We require this information to more accurately complete your order with the the parts best suited for your vehicle.